
HAVEN DIVING CENTER besitzt als einziges Tauchcenter di Originalpläne der Asterillos Espanoles S.A. Factoria de Cadiz – Werft. (Auf Anfrage einsehbar)

WARNING: These drawings are faithful but do not substitute the original HAVEN construction plans and are purely demonstrative. Author and Designer are not liable for any improper use by any diver.

WARNING: These drawings are faithful but do not substitute the original HAVEN construction plans and are purely demonstrative. Author and Designer are not liable for any improper use by any diver.

ATTENZIONE: Questi designi sono accurati ma non sostituiscono l’originale dei piani di costruzione HAVEN e sono puramente illustrativi. Autore e Designer non si ritengono in alcun modo responsabili per l’uso improprio che i subacquei eventualmente ne facciano.
WARNING: These drawings are faithful but do not substitute the original HAVEN construction plans and are purely demonstrative. Author and Designer are not liable for any improper use by any diver.

WARNING: These drawings are faithful but do not substitute the original HAVEN construction plans and are purely demonstrative. Author and Designer are not liable for any improper use by any diver.

WARNING: These drawings are faithful but do not substitute the original HAVEN construction plans and are purely demonstrative. Author and Designer are not liable for any improper use by any diver.

WARNING: These drawings are faithful but do not substitute the original HAVEN construction plans and are purely demonstrative. Author and Designer are not liable for any improper use by any diver.

WARNING: These drawings are faithful but do not substitute the original HAVEN construction plans and are purely demonstrative. Author and Designer are not liable for any improper use by any diver.

WARNING: These drawings are faithful but do not substitute the original HAVEN construction plans and are purely demonstrative.
Author and Designer are not liable for any improper use by any diver.

3D-Modelle des Haven mit freundlicher Genehmigung von Agostino Chiappe

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